Why the Sharif Bible?
Thousands of Muslims are coming to Christ. Why now? For many reasons. But a very important one is that there is a Bible in modern Arabic that is easy to read and understand—the Sharif Bible!
Church leaders and missionaries attest to the fact that the Sharif Bible is touching countless lives.
Several government and religious officials around the world have received a Sharif Bible. One woman who started reading it, announced: “I can understand this!” For the first time in her life, she understood a holy book written in the simple Arabic she speaks.
Between Sharif Bibles and Sharif New Testaments, over 1.7 million copies are in print. The Sharif is proving to be a very effective tool for evangelizing Arab Muslims around the world!
For only $1.20 you can offer a Muslim the Sharif New Testament. It is beautifully printed and easy to carry in one’s pocket.
For only $8.00 you can offer a Muslim the Sharif Bible in a beautiful print, fine paper, hard cover, and gold edges—all important for the worthy Word of God!
Will you partner with the International Sharif Bible Society so that we can say yes to the constant and growing demand for Bibles and New Testaments by people who cannot afford to buy them?
Here is a letter from a friend. It explains what I am talking about:
Thank you for the Sharif Bible. I gave it to an Imam in our country. He is a well-known leader. Afterwards I met with him at least four times. Each time he was ecstatic about the Sharif Bible. He reads it carefully. He says he is amazed at how clear it is, easy to read and accurate. Government officials here estimate that there are about 100,000 Muslims who have come to Christ in this totally Muslim country. Those officials see that as a problem, and they do not know how to handle it.
Just imagine for $1,200 you can give 1000 New Testaments, and for $8,000 you can give 1000 Bibles.
Please pray and see what the Lord wants you to do about this.
Sharif New Testaments
Quantity: 1000- New Testament
- Pocket Size
- Soft Cover
- Dynamic Translation
- Each copy only $1.20
Sharif Arabic Bible
Quantity: 1000- Old/New Testament
- Medium Size (6″ x 8.25″)
- Hard Cover
- Dynamic Translation
- Each copy only $9.99